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Sep 19, 2020
What our education system needs
The members of Majlis Penasihat Pendidikan Malaysia 2018-2020 (MPPK), or National Education Advisory Council, selected by the then...
Jul 19, 2020
Digital learning is no longer optional
We would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartiest congratulations to the outstanding Dr Masliza Mahmod, who has been made an...
Feb 16, 2020
Implement Dual Language Programme at a faster pace
Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been consistent in his stance on developing a science-literate and thinking nation. He...
May 20, 2019
English language proficiency still an urgent matter
Last week marked two significant days — the 50th anniversary of the May 13 race riots, which we need to be reminded of lest we forget...

Jan 25, 2018
Clearing the pathway for DLP
The Dual Language Programme (DLP) allows selected schools and classes to teach science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)...
Jan 14, 2018
Anti-DLP group does not speak for the majority, say parents
PETALING JAYA: The “group representing parents of children at SJK(T) Vivekananda, Petaling Jaya” does not represent the majority of...
Jan 8, 2018
Let students switch to DLP classes
THE Education Ministry's Dual Language Programme (DLP) is far-sighted and will benefit students and the country in the long run. (Schools...
Jan 8, 2018
DLP available to Year Four
KUALA LUMPUR: Year Four pupils in both new and existing Dual Language Programme (DLP) schools will be allowed to enrol in such classes...
Jan 6, 2018
Further boost for DLP with improved guidelines
PETALING JAYA: Not only will the Dual Language Programme (DLP) be continued and expanded, it will be implemented with an improved set of...
Jan 6, 2018
DLP issue shows authorities must think on their feet
I REFER to your reports “Head on with the DLP” (Jan 2) and “Dual Language stays” (Jan 5). It was indeed a dramatic change of events over...
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